Getting Back to Business

As the world looks forward to getting back to business, there are concerns many workers may avoid returning to work, choosing to remain on their more ‘lucrative’ unemployment benefits. Consider […]

OMNI Participates at Summer KACE Conference

Emporia, KS (August 16, 2018) – Members of the OMNI Human Resource Management talent acquisition team attended the Kansas Association of Colleges and Employers Summer Drive-In event on Thursday, August […]

Keeping it Simple – Performance Management 101

This business of ‘performance management’ is a process that’s supposed to ensure everyone in
the organization knows exactly what it is they’re paid to do, and to encourage each toward
individual success. For when we each win, we all win.

The Disk Theory of Management

Human Resources is a system of interrelated functions. Changes in one area invariably affect other areas. Sometimes the interrelations are difficult to explain and describe. Managers and employees often have difficulty understanding why job descriptions and performance management systems are important, or how they can help the company be more effective. The Disk Theory of Management is a simple way to illustrate the relationship between organization design, job descriptions, and performance management, and to highlight the importance of these key human resources practices.

Including ‘Human’ Assets in the Due Diligence Process

Buying a business? Lots of time and resources typically go into due diligence process. Appraisals get done on real estate, buildings, equipment, while accountants and lawyers try to get a healthy assessment to support the business’ financial statements. Often shortchanged in this process is sufficient due diligence into the organization’s ‘human’ assets, and the resulting costs or exposures of change.

Essentials to Performance Management

Performance management is ‘human resources-speak’ for the process of improving organizational effectiveness through individual performance improvements. Large corporations employ a cadre of experts to develop and manage key performance management programs in an effort to improve productivity and profitability. For the small business owner, failure to manage individual performance can mean business success or failure in very short order.

Hiring… People Just Like Me

Savvy business owners realize that drivers need navigators, creative people need logic, multi-taskers need focus, perfectionists need to relax, and, truth be told, not all customers love them. Indeed, there is an art and a science to the selection people, skills, and talents one starts to bring into their organization.

Employee Turnover… Is Your Employee Entrance a Revolving Door?

There’s been a lot of press about today’s labor shortage. Applicant flow is down to a trickle in many industries. Business owners and their supervisors are being challenged to make the most of the workers they have. Regretfully, many are not up to the task.