Employee Discipline… An Enlightened Perspective
Sometimes employees chose other priorities over us. Sometimes employees engage in behavior that we don’t like. They don’t show up for work. They do nasty things to others around them. They make decisions in direct conflict with the organizations’ goals. That makes us mad. It’s not fair. Others suffer. We want to protect those who are working with us. Consequences must be incurred.
Is Your Non-Profit Organization Suffering from ‘Lights Out?’
Nonprofit organizations are started by people with a passion for making a difference. The vision for the organization is crystal clear, and the organization’s leaders leverage this energy to inspire action and engagement in others. Clarity of vision ignites a common spirit, and ensures the road is well lit for everyone involved to stay focused and true to the mission and direction set forth.
Moonlighting… Is Your Job Your ‘One and Only?’
Monitoring or limiting employee activities outside the workplace can be awfully slippery slope. Yet there are those businesses who still feel compelled to restrict or prohibit their employees from having a second job. If you, as an employer, feel the need to head down this path, you might rethink your position on some of the more common arguments for such policies.